School Visits

Pinetown Gymnastics club has been hosting school visits for many years and we believe that we have developed a program that is not only great fun for the children, but also has an educational aspect with regards to the physical activities that we do as well.


School Visit Booking Form


A typical days program outlined below

Introduction - Staff & GymSafety aspects of a gym & info on some of the potential hazards regarding games, trampolines & the foam pit
Warm up gamesHigh activity in a fun manner – all kinds of locomotion, balancing individually & with partners & making shapes individually and
with partners & groups – use of music to encourage a fast pace
Warm up - Basic stretchingIntroduce the importance of stretching the whole body
Basic activities on floor - Forward rollsIntroduce a roll using a slope – safe & assists rolling action
Basic jumps on trampoline and/or mini trampoline / trampoline trackSafety points on trampoline, basic 2 foot jumps with different body shapes, landing or “stopping”
Basic locomotion on beamsBalancing on narrow and raised surface, concentration during locomotion, landing drills at end
Swings on the rings into the pitFun & Fun !! – Great for grip strength & to get the timing of a swing – great sense of achievement for kids who may not be
that brave when they “bomb” into the pit
ConclusionStickers all round and back in line
Snacks & JuiceSchools normally bring a snack & juice on the outing which may be enjoyed in the children’s playground in Lahee Park
(adjacent to the gym) or by choice / inclement weather in the gym in the upstairs viewing area
Tea & coffee is available for staff & “drivers” during or after the session in our staff lounge